Below are some frequently asked questions about AlcoSense Breathalysers Lifetime Guarantee and Andatech Breathalysers 8 Years Sensor Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I need to do to get the Andatech Guarantee on my breathalyser?

The most basic condition to be eligible for the Andatech Guarantee is that you need to calibrate your breathalyser every 6 months from the date of purchase.

What happens if I don't calibrate my breathalyser every 6 months?

If you don't calibrate your breathalyser, you will still be covered by the standard manufacturer's warranty.

I work offshore and my breathalyser is used / located outside of Australia. Am I not covered by the Andatech Guarantee at all?

You can still be covered by the Andatech Guarantee as long as the unit has been calibrated regularly with Andatech and you cover international shipping costs to and from our office and your location outside of Australia.

How is the Andatech Guarantee different from the standard warranty already provided?

The standard warranty stands regardless of whether or not you calibrate your unit.

The Guarantee extends the standard warranty's terms and conditions, but it is dependent on the condition that the breathalyser has been calibrated regularly since it was purchased.

I received a replacement breathalyser under the Andatech Guarantee. What warranty do I have on it?

If you returned a breathalyser and we replaced it for you under warranty, the remaining original warranty and any extended guarantee from your previous unit will be transferred to your replacement unit.

If you returned a breathalyser under warranty and upgraded (and paid) for a new unit, then your new unit will be treated as a new purchase and be covered by the standard manufacturer's warranty.

Do I automatically get covered by the Andatech Guarantee if I sign up for the calibration management plans?

No, this is not automatic. You must just calibrate your breathalyser every 6 months in order to be eligible for the Andatech Guarantee.

I stopped calibrating my breathalyser regularly after a few years. Does this void my warranty?

In order to be covered by the Andatech Guarantee (which extends the standard manufacturer's warranty), you must calibrate your unit every 6 months from the date of purchase.

If you did not fulfill this condition, then you would still be covered by the standard manufacturer's warranty, but not the Andatech Guarantee.

My breathalyser is calibrated regularly but it wasn't calibrated by Andatech. Is that ok?

The Andatech Guarantee is only valid for breathalysers that have been calibrated with Andatech. This ensures that your breathalyser has been checked and inspected by authorised technicians. To validate your unit's eligibility under the Guarantee, we would only refer to your unit's calibration history with Andatech's calibration centres.

I've missed the calibration due date! Does this void my warranty completely?

If you've only missed the calibration due date by 1 month or less, we can still continue to extend your warranty under the Andatech Guarantee.

If you have any concerns, just contact our support team.

Visit our website for up-to-date information on the Andatech Guarantee